Getting ready for RESOURCE:2 2024
Exciting News to announce 🙌
Upcoming Solo at The O Gallery in Larnaca in Cyprus
Private View this Saturday May 6th at 19:00.
All Welcome…
Kelly’s work is centred on topographical land and coastalscapes. Walking every morning, she is impelled by the need to move and be in open space to make art.
By allowing herself to be present in a landscape, and to revisit it repetitively, she develops an intensely personal relationship with the area she is absorbing.
The ritual act of walking every day has become the fundamental starting point for her work, capturing both the physicality of moving through space, and the emotions evoked by tracing the routes, tracks, textures, hills, cliffs, sea and fields that she is exploring.
Her work documents the shifts and movements that shape and pattern the natural terrain; including those from the seasons and weather. The geological record of stratified cliffs, and the dips and furrows of a valley transformed over time... The wild fennel that towers above the chaos of Spring colours by a riverbank and along with herself, the eagle mates she knows by sight, keeping careful watch. Drawing her viewer along a path that helps them traverse not simply a landscape, or even a place, but an immersive experience that encapsulates both the temporal and spatial qualities of movement.
Drawings and sketches are crucial to this process, as it is through this exploratory activity that each study is transformed via her memories and thought processes .
Beep Painting Biennial 2022.
Screaming Landscape 2 has been shortlisted for the Premier BEEP Painting Biennial 2022. OPENING JULY 29TH 2022 at the Elysium Gallery in Swansea Wales UK. So thrilled to be included with so many brilliant international artists..
SFSA Drawing Open @noformat gallery @secondfloorstudios in Deptford London.
May 2022.
Great to be part of this celebration of drawing. 100 artists exhibiting drawings. Theme drawing.. Met some really interesting artists at the PV..
The lidostores open selected group exhibition
Very happy that ‘seaweed monsters’ part of a series of ink drawings 2021 has been selected for the upcoming group exhibition at the lidostores in Margate UK. Opens Dec 1st 2021
ROYAL ACADEMY Summer show 2021
Delighted that ‘Imaginary Rock gathering has been selected for this year’s 2021 Summer Show at the Royal Academy in London.
Opens to the public September 22 on until 2nd January 2022.
London Paint Club
Delighted that 3 of my paintings from ‘The rights of spring '2021 series have been selected for the 3rd international open call by London Paint Club. The online exhibition is called Together in Painting and is curated by Kelly Forster. To view the show visit
On now…
Field work 2020, oil, charcoal ink on newsprint can be seen at Three Works Gallery in Scarborough as part of the First Newsprint Open Call exhibition until end of May. For more info contact @threeworks