"Between the Lines" Upcoming 3rd solo show of paintings and drawings
“Between the lines” is the 3rd Solo Art Exhibition by Kelly Norman and will open on Friday 16th March 2018 at 8pm at Rouan Art Gallery in Limassol.
The duration of the exhibition will be from 16th -26th March. Opening times 10:30-1pm. 4:30-7pm.( Apart from Sundays).
For more info contact Kelly m.99904710, artistkellynorman.co.uk or Vavara at the Gallery t. 25350845
“To paint is always to start at the beginning again, yet being unable to avoid the familiar arguments about what you see yourself painting. The canvas you are working on modifies the previous ones in an unending, baffling chain which never seems to finish”.
Phillip Guston 1948
“Between the Lines” is a diverse exhibition of paintings and drawings exploring landscape and rockscape that are connected through line and the painting process. Kelly’s new work continues the dialogue between the painting process and the picture. These new works appear more gestural and more intuitive and explore the idea that a painting could be fulfilled in a simple self investigation of the medium. In some of the paintings Kelly adds simple motifs and letters over layers of paint and different washes to create a narrative where the yiayia continues her journey though each painting.
Accepting nature for what it is, is something Kelly also draws attention to. For Kelly, nature puts everything into perspective. “Today as a society we our constantly seeing life through a screen not accepting time as now, thinking about the past and future...”
“I am painting rocks that I see, the conflicting idea of being at the edge of the land excites me, calms me but also it terrifies and torments me.”
An Artist on an Island
Launch of brand new website.......I hope you enjoy!!!!